Work–life: balance?

Tensions between care and paid work in the lives of Hungarian women


  • Anikó Gregor
  • Eszter Kováts



gender equality, work-life balance, female labor market participation, care work, elderly care, postsocialism, neoliberalism, class inequalities, gender equality


Based on theories of the relations of labor and care, as well as previous research on the past 30 years of gender inequalities in Hungary, the paper aims to interpret these results and further develop the existing knowledge on the situation of women and gender relations in Hungarian society in the context of the social, economic, and political transformations of the past 30 years while considering the intersecting mechanisms of
employment, family and care policies from a gender perspective. In 2017 we conducted six focus group interviews with lower-class women across the country and a representative survey on a sample of 1,000 respondents (both men and women), that will provide the empirical data for the paper. One of the core findings of the research is the striking tension that women experience on the labor market in relation to their care responsibilities incl. elderly care, especially in low-income and working-class groups. The counter-interest of the employers concerning care for dependent family members was a recurrent topic brought up by the participants of our interviews as well as the lack of expectations towards state support and towards men in the share of care work.




How to Cite

Gregor, A., & Kováts, E. (2020). Work–life: balance? : Tensions between care and paid work in the lives of Hungarian women. Social Science Review.Hu Social Science Review, 9(SI7), 91–115. Social Science Review.2019en.91