From the naturalization of gender hierarchies to the possibility of deconstruction(s)

The power of symbolic systems in forming gender hierarchies and reactionary gender constructions in the age of authoritarian illiberalism


  • Ágnes KÖVÉR ELTE Faculty of Social Sciences



naturalization of gender hierarchies, symbolic systems, power relations, biological essentialism, deconstruction, authoritarian illiberalism, alternative discourses, “femininity as a mask”, emancipation struggles


The paper explores the constituent components of symbolic systems, including perception, linguistic constructs, and the representation of gender, which contribute to the establishment and normalization of symbolic authority and the structural framework predicated upon gender hierarchies. Moreover, the text elucidates the pivotal role of scientific discourse in the generation and legitimization of gender-based hierarchical arrangements across epochs. Drawing upon the philosophical and sociological movements prevalent in the latter half of the 20th century, notably post-structuralism, phenomenology, and postmodernism, the text delineates the profound influence of these, particularly within Western discourse, in shaping conceptions of gender and gender relations. Furthermore, the study directs attention toward attempts to subvert hierarchical paradigms through deconstruction methodologies. Finally, the study explores those efforts which, from the beginning of the 20th century to the present, have applied the metaphor of „femininity as a mask” to protect women’s autonomy and independence. The paper seeks to discern the mechanisms by which various components of symbolic systems predispose us to acquiesce to traditional gender roles and expectations and the ways in which symbolic systems are utilized by authoritarian illiberalism to restore patriarchal rule.

Author Biography

Ágnes KÖVÉR, ELTE Faculty of Social Sciences

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How to Cite

Kövér, Ágnes. (2024). From the naturalization of gender hierarchies to the possibility of deconstruction(s): The power of symbolic systems in forming gender hierarchies and reactionary gender constructions in the age of authoritarian illiberalism. Social Science Review.Hu Social Science Review, 14(1), 1–31. Social Science Review.2024.1.1


