Experts’ perceptions of alcohol and drug use in disadvantaged regions
Background and purpose of the study: In recent years we have seen significant changes in risk behaviours with the emergence of new addictions such as designer drugs, behavioural addictions, and a growing prevalence of unregistered alcohol consumption. There is no internationally agreed standard for measuring these new phenomena, so we face various methodological difficulties when estimating them. The aim of this study is to investigate how experts perceive drug use and unregistered alcohol consumption patterns in two disadvantaged subregions, thus gaining a deeper understanding of the new phenomena, and preparing a survey planned in the area.
Methodology: Data were collected using a combination of focus group interviews and a self-administered questionnaire. We conducted four focus groups among social sector experts in Baranya and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg counties in 2020 and 2021. Participation in the research was voluntary and anonymous. Verbatim extracts were analysed by qualitative thematic analysis, using NVivo.
Findings and conclusion: The perceptions of the experts participating in the focus groups have highlighted the trends that are worth analysing in more depth in the survey following the focus groups: problem drinking, the characteristics and circumstances of unregistered alcohol consumption, and drug use (designer drugs, pharmaceutical abuse). Inevitably, the lack of knowledge about the drug phenomenon, and the stigma deeply rooted in society emerged and was also present in the views of helpers, which may be due to the deep systemic problems they experience, which affect the addiction care system, but also the whole social care system, such as overload, cooperation and funding problems, and lack of both capacity and professionals. In addition, the media may also be particularly responsible for attitudes towards drug use. The possible stigmas encountered in the focus groups, and the perception of the drug phenomenon as a homogeneous block, are in no way ‘blamed’ on the participants in the focus groups, but can be considered as an important finding showing that it would be important to pay attention to training and sensitising helpers, and to address systemic problems. Putting the focus group results into context with the survey results following the interviews, a more mixed picture emerges, confirming that it would be worthwhile to conduct validation studies not only on designer drug use, but also on pharmaceutical abuse, and to measure unregistered alcohol consumption in survey research.