Technológiák fenntarthatósági elemzése életciklus közelítésben A PROSUITE EU FP7 projekt eredményei a társadalmi indikátorok aggregált rendszerének kidolgozása területén


  • Anna VÁRI
  • Zoltán FERENCZ
  • Zoltán KÁRPÁTI


ABSTRACT Sustainability assessment of technologies by taking a life-cycle approach: results of the prosuite eu fp7 project in developing an aggregated system of social-sustainability indicators The PROSUITE EU FP7 project was aimed at developing and applying a coherent, life-cycle oriented methodology for the sustainability assessment of technologies. First, a set of indicators were elaborated for the estimation of the anticipated environmental, economic and social impacts of the future implementation of technologies. This was followed by the development of a multi-criteria evaluation methodology integrating the various impacts, which was tested for four technologies over the full scale of their life-cycles. Finally, a decision support system was worked out to aid R AND D policy decisions. The paper presents the most important results of the PROSUITE project, with special attention paid to the development of an aggregated system of social sustainability indicators. Keywords impact assessment; indicators; life-cycle approach; sustainability; decision-support system, R and D decision; PROSUITE





How to Cite

Vári, A., Ferencz, Z., & Kárpáti, Z. (2014). Technológiák fenntarthatósági elemzése életciklus közelítésben A PROSUITE EU FP7 projekt eredményei a társadalmi indikátorok aggregált rendszerének kidolgozása területén. Social Science Review.Hu Social Science Review, 4(1), 18–43. Retrieved from Social Science Review/index.php/so/article/view/421



Research Articles