Measuring social networks – theoretical and practical dilemmas and possibilities
Abstract Network approach is undoubtedly fashionable in today’s sociology. Reflecting on this trend, a number of research methods have evolved side by side that concentrate on the measurement of social networks. However, these methods are not primarily the alternatives of each other, they are more conceptions that make the attainment of special research goals possible. In our paper, we describe the four most widespread egonetwork measuring techniques – namely the name generator, the position generator, the resource generator and the size generator – concentrating on the different research goals they can be used for and the kinds of indicators that can be obtained from them. We also address to how keywords connected to network research – such as social capital, weak and strong ties, homophily and heterophily, etc. – fit into these measurement methods. As size generator is the least common method in the European measurement tradition, more details are shown about its possibilities. Keywords: social network, name generator, position generator, resource generator, size generator