Cunning fears The sociocultural and ideological embeddedness of negative intergroup attitudes


  • Róbert TARDOS



Abstract The recent years have witnessed a rapid surge in the problem of migration on the public agenda in Hungary and on a larger international plane as well. Research is prompted to go into deeper layers of attitudes and rethink their rearrangements in various respects. The paper is based on a survey from the Spring of 2014 by the MTA – ELTE Peripato Research Group containing a module on immigration and attitudes, as well as stereotypes toward foreigners. Though the field work took place prior to the larger waves of refugee crisis, the module and a further array of questionnaire blocks on various public issues enables a comprehensive look into the respective patterns of thinking. The findings confirm the assumption of separate syndromes of outgroup- and ingroup foci; a dual scheme not quite ubiquitous in the literature given the general conception of the (negative/positive) reciprocity of outgroup- and ingroup ties. A fourfold typology is furthermore added to these two dimensions resulting in two congruent types in terms of inclusion/exclusion on the ideological poles and two, more sizable ones incoherent in the sense of a theoretical constraint, following other types of everyday logics on their own (related to general confidence or ressentiment). Analyses display partially different sets of sociodemographic and cultural-ideological backgrounds regarding the ingroup and outgroup axes of attitudes and the ideologically coherent and incongruous sub-populations, with regional-contextual characteristics, levels and dynamics of economic resources and ideological-political axes figuring among key influences. A two-mode network approach based on a semantic web with nodes of intergroup attitudes on the one hand, and poles of three (left/right, liberal/conservative, moderate/radical) ideological dimensions on the other, adds to the picture with special regard to the place of migration attitudes in the landscape of public thought. Keywords: intergroup attitudes; outgroup/ingroup focus; refugee crisis; negative ties; two-mode network.





How to Cite

Tardos, R. (2016). Cunning fears The sociocultural and ideological embeddedness of negative intergroup attitudes. Social Science Review.Hu Social Science Review, 6(2), 61–88. Social Science Review.2016.2.61



Special issue for Mária Neményi (eds. Judit Takács – Tamás P.Tóth )