The case of the businessman János Sánta


  • Mihály LAKI


Abstract A non-conventional change of government occurred in Hungary in 2010. The winner of the election, the FIDESZ-KDNP alliance transformed the Hungarian constitutional system radically and changed the structure and management of state administration with unprecedented speed. We witnessed the introduction of new and until-now never-applied approaches and tools for regulating the economy and the taxation system. How did the more significant Hungarian entrepreneurs behave in this radically modified socio-economic environment? It is clear that a new group of owner-managers emerged, which enjoys a mutually beneficial relationship with the ruling party coalition, and therefore with the government and state administration. The extension and political-economic power of this group is not known. This case study on the life and company history of owner-manager János Sántha, who was among the decisive players of a radical transformation of the tobacco market, could help to understand this process. It could help to create a modified typology of notable entrepreneurs in Hungary. Keywords: case study, entrepreneurship, political ties of companies, typology of entrepreneurs





How to Cite

Laki, M. (2018). The case of the businessman János Sánta. Social Science Review.Hu Social Science Review, 8(1), 127–143. Retrieved from Social Science Review/index.php/so/article/view/669



Különszám Szalai Júlia köszöntésére (eds. Vera Messing – Mária Neményi – Dorottya Szikra)